Cortland County Farm   - Oil on canvas 10" x 28"  $700.00
Oil Paintings
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The Birches  - Oil on canvas  12 x 12"  
Framed $500.00
Brown Eyed Susans and Queen Anne's Lace - 
0il on Linen 11 x 14" (SOLD)
View from the Hill  - Oil on canvas  6 x 12"   $160.00
Walt's Curious Collection  - Oil on canvas  12 x 16"
 Framed  $800.00
Wickham Pond  - Oil on canvas 12" x 16"  Framed  $800.00
Cody Robinsons Barn  - Oil on canvas  12 x 16  Framed  $800.00
Red Barn on Sackett Creek Road  - Oil on canvas 16" x 20"  
Framed  $1,000.00
One Hundred Years  - Oil on canvas  9 x 12"  Framed $500.00
The Bog at  Panther Mountain - Oil on canvas 12" x 16"  
Framed  $600.00
Plymouth Plantation- Oil on canvas  12 x 20"  Framed $1,200.00
Four Chimneys Winery  - Oil on panel  8 x 10"  
Framed  $450.00
One Hundred Years  - Oil on canvas 
11 x 14"  Framed $500.00